At the risk of falling into a cliche, it's a new year and I have some... intentions for the year. I did pretty well with my intentions last year, except for the one about writing in my blog more often. But what I did do was track all of our finances for an entire year, where in the past I'd tracked a month here or there, only to trail off and not enter anything for months at a time. I kept my office... well... it's not the disaster area it once was. I mostly stuck to my grocery budget. Not bad.
So 2011, here's what I'm thinking:
#1 combat my anxiety. Yep, the old anxiety has really been a bitch lately. I'm vowing to kick its ass in 2011 with whatever means necessary.
#2 get a piece of writing published. Just one piece, as I don't want to be too lofty here. Preferably for some $.
#3 continue decluttering the house.
That's it. It feels like a lot, and it's making me a wee bit anxious (see intention #1) so I'm off to pop a rescue remedy pastille.